Concept Note Development

ER 1 & ER 2 related document for CN/Funding Request submission to the GF

  1. A)Documents related to NSP and draft CN development process including country dialogue(each disease):
  2. National Strategic Plan final Draft
  3. NSP finalization meeting minutes and attendance list, meeting notice
  4. TWG – TOR,
  5. List of member of TWG,
  6. TWG meeting minutes,
  7. TWG meeting notice, consultant appointment ,
  8. TOR of Consultants,
  9. CN circulation among the CCM members,
  10. Feedback and comments documents, incorporation of feedback, final draft,
  11. Documents for country dialogue process ( minutes of stake holders and different constituencies meeting on CN development, meeting notice, attendance list)
  12. CN /funding request writing group meeting minutes, notice and attendance list
  13. CCM meeting minutes authorizing Concept Note development for each disease
  14. Documentation of CCM authorization for Oversight Committee (Strategy and Planning function) to oversee the Concept Development Process
  15. Documentation of process of Concept Note development
  16. TWG meeting minutes documenting stages and activities of Concept Note development
  17. List of technical experts and stakeholders involved in developing Concept Note development
  18. Documentation of constituency consultations, including names of individuals consulted with
  19. Documents and screen shot for website upload of draft CN for public sharing, comments and feedback (website of DGHS, NTP, NMCP, NASP and other PR’s website if possible)
  20. B)Sharing Concept Note with Stakeholders   (each disease)
  21. Email supporting sharing of draft Concept Note with wide range of stakeholders
  22. Comments received from stakeholders
  23. Minutes showing discussion of stakeholder comments by TWG
  24. C)CCM Approval of Concept Note(each disease)
  25. Oversight Committee review and acceptance of draft Concept Note, documented in Oversight Committee minutes
  26. Presentation of draft Concept Note to full CCM, documented in meeting minutes
  27. TWG incorporates all comments into Concept Note
  28. Signature of all CCM members on final version of Concept Note
  29. D)All phases(each disease)
  30. Email supporting sharing of draft Concept Note with KAP
  31. Comments received from KAP
  32. Minutes showing discussion of KAP comments by TWG
  1. E)Final Draft of Concept Note (each disease):

Final Draft of all Disease CN/Funding Request for 89th BCCM Meeting (70 Sets each hard copies) for members and alternate members and Observers (as of first meeting of new CCM all members and alternate members are  invited)

  1. F)BCCM Secretariat will complete documentations for following documents:
  • CCM minutes documenting CCM decision of selecting / continuing existing PRs
  • Documentation of COI management in BCCM Secretariat files
  • Oversight Committee Members are formally appointed by BCCM, documented in meeting minutes
  • Minutes of Oversight Committee meetings
  • Oversight workplan and budget documented in minutes of Oversight Committee
  • Oversight Committee Members are formally appointed by BCCM, documented in meeting minutes
  • Minutes of Oversight Committee meetings
  • Oversight activities documented in meeting minutes, oversight documentation
  • Documentation of Oversight Committee feedback to PR
  • Oversight activities documented in meeting minutes, oversight documentation
  • Proof of non-members, PLWD, KAP involved in oversight

BCCM Secretariat will ask further documents (if necessary) to TWG and PRs according to the GF Secretariat demands for these ER1 and ER2 compliance. Please find the attached list of documents which are needed for ER1 and ER2 and new BCCM members and alternate members list.